Bienvenue, le printemps!


Welcome to spring in Australia.

Just like that, a year has passed since I arrived here. I’m still here. I’m doing alright.

Hard to believe that over three hundred and sixty-five days ago, I was staring at my life jammed into several bits of luggage.

packed luggage

The blue flower tote didn’t make it. It busted a wheel and had to be put down.

It scares me a little. Each day, week and month that goes by takes me a little farther away from Mum, and from the person that I was. There are times when grief, sadness or anxiety threaten to overwhelm me. That’s when I start grabbing onto the little things. Anything to help ground me.

It’s so much easier to do in spring.


Stop and smell the blossoms.


Hello, cocky!

The air is warmer and smells fragrant. The flowers themselves are brilliant, and everything is lush, verdant and fresh.

The downside is, of course, the hay fever. But it’s a small price to pay.

I’m here, and I’m mostly OK.